Every year, nearly 3000 children and teens die from gunfire, and nearly 14,000 are injured.

Friday, March 16, 2012

13-year old Ohio boy unintentionally shot and killed by 14-year old friend with shotgun

Michael Schwartz, age 13
13-year old Michael Schwartz, his friend, 14-year old Felipe Villanueva, Jr., and a third child were playing together in a home in Wauseon, Ohio, when they got hold of a loaded, unsecured shotgun.  That's when Felipe unintentionally shot Michael in the chest, killing the boy.

From the article:
After performing an autopsy, Dr. Harry Murtiff, Fulton County coroner, reported late Thursday that the boy died from a shotgun pellet wound in the right side of his chest.
The incident was reported at 6:56 a.m. Wednesday by a caller who characterized it as a drive-by shooting. Investigators quickly determined the drive-by element to be false but that young Villanueva had not deliberately shot young Schwartz, who was dead on arrival at Fulton County Health Center.
Along with young Villanueva, a third boy, who lives in the house, was present and questioned by police after the shooting, then released.
Ms. Dunn said Michael, the middle of her three sons, and Felipe were friends who often walked to school together and had stopped at the third boy's house on their way.
Felipe, the mother said, "is a good kid" who had often visited her family's home.
"He's going to live with it [the shooting] for the rest of his life," Ms. Dunn said.
The shooting, she said, needs to be a lesson for everyone else.
(a related article)

Every gun in the hands of a child must first pass through the hands of an adult.

1 comment:

  1. That poor kid will suffer the rest of his life with guilt, W.T.F. is wrong with the parents? can anyone say SAFETY. I FEEL THE PARENTS SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH NEGLEGENCE!


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